Monday, March 9, 2009

Please pass the animal crackers....

Well my new found love is definitely animal crackers. I had to buy the 2 pound bag at the grocery store yesterday and Geoff said that I would never finish the bag, but I am giving it a good ole college try for sure and I am well on my way!... Baby Sherman is thoroughly enjoying them too! Not much new on the baby front, no movement from the little one in a couple of days but I am getting very anxious for our appointment on Thursday. I can barely sleep at night wondering if this little peanut is a boy or girl. I had a dream early on in the pregnancy that I was having a boy, but last night I had a dream it was a girl... So who knows? I am amazed at all my friends that are able to wait for that grand surprise at birth. I must just be a very impatient person because I feel like 18 1/2 weeks is long enough to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!