Today we went in for our weekly appointment and were both very excited because we knew at this point some decisions were going to be made. We went in and all looked great. I asked Dr. Hannah to feel around and guess how much Baby Sherman was weighing in at these days and his guess was about 7 pounds 4 ounces. WOW! Bigger than we anticipated 5 weeks ago. He said she is fully cooked and ready to go!! Now only if mommy's body was ready. I had made some more progress and am now at 2.5 centimeters and still about 80% thinned out... He went ahead and stretched my cervix which was quite painful but something they do to speed the process along. Some women will go into labor within 48 hours of this!! So Baby Sherman could be here this weekend but if not, we have an induction scheduled for Monday August 10th at 5:00am(ouch). He predicts I will have a fairly easy labor lasting about 12 hours. We are SOOOOOOO excited that she will be here by her due date( her mommy came on her exact due date as well and was born on a Monday too). So we plan on enjoying our last weekend together and preparing to be a mommy and daddy next week!! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep you all posted!