Monday, May 10, 2010

9 months old already!

Today I am 9 months old. Mommy explained to me that that means I have now officially been outside of mommy's tummy for as long as I was inside her tummy. Whatever that means I just like the sound of being 9 months old today. I thought I would tell you a little bit about what I am doing these days and fill you in on my likes and dislikes. So here goes!

I can now crawl and pull myself to a standing position. I can move my feet a little bit but most of the time that is hard work for me. I am cruising along the furniture and all my toys that I can stand up and hold on to. I like to pull up on the bookshelves too. I am now a pretty fast crawler and I like to follow mommy around the kitchen. You can often find me under chairs or trying to open the drawers. I also love to look out the windows and see what is going on. I am a very happy and smiley little girl and when we go into stores I will make eye contact and smile at all the strangers just to try and get a response (usually I get one:)). My favorite toy right now is my musical table because I can stand up and play music and dance. YEP that is right I now like to do a little dance when I hear music.

I am enjoying my food very much. Usually for breakfast I will have oatmeal with fruit and then some Cheerios. For lunch, I have a veggie and then something like cheese, turkey, mac-n-cheese, pasta, ect.. The list goes on, and for dinner I usually get anything I want:) I love to feed myself and I do a very good job. I like pretty much anything mommy gives me but if it is something new I make the funniest face and do a full body shake(mommy laughs). I eat strawberries, bananas, watermelon, oranges, peaches, avocado, peas, and carrots. That is just naming a few. For a little girl I sure do have a GIANT appetite.

I am now a champion napper and I am still taking 2 naps a days. Usually I will nap for 1 1/2 hours in the morning and around 1 1/2 in the afternoon. Sometimes it is shorter, sometimes longer. I go to bed every night still at 7pm and YES I am an early riser and get up anytime between 5-6am. Mommy and daddy make me wait until 6:15 until they come and get me and I just play in my crib and keep busy never crying or fussing.

I still only have my two bottom teeth but I am teething right now and mommy can see my top teeth coming in so it won't be long I am sure. I am also still saying Mama from time to time but we don't hear it all that often and I am not quite saying anything else yet. I like to make sounds and I am much more vocal then I was a month ago.

I love books and being read to(for about 30 seconds) and my favorite book is called: Ten Little Ladybugs. I will actually pick that book out of a pile and hand it to mommy and daddy so they can read it to me. It never gets old.

Well that is about it.. Time for me to go play!!

Mommy took this today during my nap... do you think I like my bb's??(that is my word for pacifier). I found every last one of them in my crib and kept them close by today for nap time.