Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nature Trail with mommy and daddy!

This morning mommy had the idea that we should get out of the house and go to the River Trails Nature Center. We had never been before so we didn't know what to expect but it was a fun morning. I saw lots of animals and then I got to play.

Me and Dada
Seeing the fish for the first time
Touching the different skins of animals

Mama and Me!

Checking out the bee hive with the thousands of bees inside.
My one and only smile for the camera picture:)

Mama and me again checking out the turtles

Bones of some animals.. I was more interested in the acorn I found.
Trying out the play area.. This was a foxes den.

Dada putting on a puppet show with the Ducka Ducka...
Playing with the animals

Girls just wanna have FUN!!

And more fun...
Fishing with dada..

And now... fishing by myself. I caught a real big one too!