Friday, April 20, 2012

9 month doctors appointment

Today we took  Kellan in for his 9 month doctors visit. He got 2 shots and did quite well just cried for a little bit on the second one.  So we have a very healthy boy on our hands but we all know that by just looking at him:). The doctor said that he is average weight for a 1 year old. Oops, looks like he is about 3 months ahead of the game but that makes sense considering this child is eating just about everything he can get his hands on. I haven't come across a single food yet that he will not eat and he much prefers table food over his baby food.

Here are his stats:
Weight 21 pounds 1 ounce= 74th percentile
Height is 29 1/2 inches=90th percentile
Head is 47 3/4 inches=99th percentile

And I was curious about Avery's stats when she was 9 months old so I went back and looked:

Weight: 17 pounds~ 25%
Height: 28 1/4 inches~75%
Head: 44 cm~50%

Yep it is official Kellan's head takes the cake!! So what does that mean??? At 9 months his head is bigger than 99% of any other child at the same age.  Going to be a smart one I guess with all that brain space:)

At the end of the appointment Kellan got to take a few licks of this lollipop... He examines before he inserts:)