Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1 year doctors appointment

1 year and over 20 pounds = a new way of seeing things in the car.  At exactly a year we turned Kellan around in his carseat and he is one happy boy. I caught this picture of him while he had just figured out he could see his big sissy now. How sweet is that smile??

Today Kellan went to the doctors for his one year appointment and it is safe to say we have a linebacker in the making.
Here are his stats.. almost off the charts for all measurements.

Weight is 24 pounds 3 ounces   87%
Height is 31 3/4 inches   98%   
Head is 48 3/4 cm            98%

We have one BIG and happy boy. The doctor said if he keeps up his growth at this pace we can expect to have a boy that is over 6 feet as an adult!