Thursday, June 2, 2011

33 week ultrasound

There are "perks" to being an old lady and one of those resulted in another ultrasound today at the doctors office. Around 32 weeks if you are over the age of 35 they will do another check to make sure all looks good and is moving along as it should. Tonight I went in and I am very happy to say that our little boy is looking perfect. Well not perfect being the little stinker is breech but everything else looks great!!!! He is measuring in the 48th percentile and is estimated to weigh 4 pounds 10 ounces right now. The tech said given these measurements I can expect to have a late 7 pound or early 8 pound boy in just about 6-7 weeks!!!

Because he is breech still at this point we are saying prayers that he will turn on his own and mommy will not have to have a C-Section. The doctor will re-checked in 2 weeks to see if he is head down at that point but he is optimistic that he still will turn for us and I can have a natural birth!!

We got a picture today of his "manly parts" or as daddy calls them his "little nuts" which we missed out on at 20 weeks. He is indeed a boy!!!