Sunday, December 2, 2012

Florida 2012


I cant say enough about how important and thankful we are for our incredible family that has been there to support us in our journey to have two kiddos only 23 months apart. The last 16 months since our sweet little boy made his entrance into this world has been challenging for so many reasons.  If it weren't for our dear family that have spent countless hours, weekends, and months with us helping, who know where we would be right now:)???  I couldn't think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving this year then with the very people that have helped us so much in the last year get through all the difficult times and happy times.  Florida was a great time this year and the kids loved it.  We are very blessed with spending it with everyone we love so much and celebrate Thanksgiving.  It was a week of beautiful weather, beaches, sun, pool, shopping, eating and hanging out with cousins.  I, of course, took 300+ pictures and have not quite enough time to edit and be fancy with them all so I am late to posting but definitely needed to document this week in our blog.  Below you will find some of the "highlights" from our first vacation as a family of four with all our loved ones.