Sunday, June 2, 2013

A beautiful rainy day for a 1/2 marathon

This morning it was an early morning wake up to a beautiful day to run a 1/2 marathon.... until that is we got to Highland Park and the rain started and didnt stop for hours:)  Today marked reaching another goal for me by training and running a second half marathon.  The first one is 2010 after I had Avery and this one a year later than I wanted due to my fall last summer and broken elbow. But after 12 weeks of training and lot of support from my hubby who was always there to take the kids for all my runs, I completed the Northshore Half this morning. It was a beautiful route with a lot of hills that I was not expecting but we made it under our goal time.  Now, I am sitting on the couch nursing my legs and feet back to health:)  Running this far when you are almost 38 was tough. I actually was great for the first 10 miles and the last 3 were really hard on me. Thankfully my dear friend Tammi motivated me and kept me running because the last hill of the day I wanted nothing to do with.  :)

One of my cheerleaders, the other one missing was in a crabby mood and didnt want any pics with mommy but this sweet boy wanted mama the first second he saw me on the sidelines... Love him so much

My running partner and great friend Tammi

The official results and 7 1/2 minutes faster than the first one in 2010. Who says that you don't get better with age:)