Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Busy, busy bee!

I realized this morning that I was not doing a great job keeping up with the blog lately so it was my misson this morning to "catch" some shots and post something new. Avery is such a busy bee these days and mommy doesn't have a ton of time anymore to blog and take pictures. Not only is she beginning to walk, but she is exploring every inch of the house. She especially likes the drawers and finds it very fun to take out each and every piece of clothing she can find(and for those of you that know.. this girl has some clothes:))
This morning we were up in her room and I caught some shots of her keeping busy:)

She emptied the drawer and felt quite proud..
This was adorable and I had to include. I looked over and Avery had found some clean diapers that I had set on the ground to take downstairs and she was picking up the diapers, lifting the lid on the diaper champ and putting in the diapers. She obviously is very observant when mommy and daddy put the diapers in there because she even could work the handle:)

Here is her progress.. 1 diaper in today!
Here she is with her new dolly that mommy got suckered into yesterday when we were at the store but it looks just like her with brown eyes and brown hair and that is hard to how could I say no? And for the last 24 hours she has carried it everywhere with her!

Walking action shot... She must feel comfortable in her room walking because it is a smaller space and has a rug.. she was walking all this morning back and forth with many falls but she keeps getting up and trying again..
I love how her foot is up and in motion here and how her face clearly illustrates the concentration that it takes when you first learn how to walk!

Another action shot and notice that she hasn't even mastered walking yet and she is trying to carrying everything she can with her:)