Saturday, July 10, 2010

I'm 11 months old!

What's an 11 month old to do today?

Well I have been quite busy since I got up... It first started with a popsicle(or 2) on my new picnic table out in the backyard. Thanks to Meme and Papa for the new table. I sat there the entire time and had 2 popsicles and never once fell off:) Then mommy and daddy and I went to our pool for a little bit today. I had to debut my new bikini. Now it fit just fine until I got in the water and the bottoms... oops were a little big for me but no one seemed to care:) I had a ton of fun and it was a special treat to have daddy with us! I actually like to simply walk around the different pool areas and occasionally get in the water but mostly I like to walk(with help) or bear crawl so my knees don't hurt too much!!

Happy 11 months sweet baby girl!!!