Thursday, September 15, 2011

Avery's 1st day of PDO

So we did it! Avery and I survived our first morning away from each other for 4 hours.
Avery started PDO at one of the churches and she will be going one day a week, Thursdays, until May 2012. PDO stands for Parents Day Out and its a program that offers moms or dads the opportunity to drop off their children in a program taught by teachers for 1 or 2 days a week. This is something that I wanted to do as I feel like it is time for Avery to spend some time away from mommy in a social and structured setting so that next year when preschool begins the separation anxiety will not be as bad. I was very surprised to find that on her first day she ran into her new "school" with great excitement, bolted right for her "RED" classroom and off she was playing with the babies and pushing the stroller(surprise, surprise:) She did not have any tears, neither did mommy as she knew she was in good hands and she had fun! I gave her a kiss and reassured her I would be back and off I went(shopping of course).
When I picked her up at 1:30pm she was more than ready to see me and she had her BB and Baa Baa with her for comfort and the teachers said she got sad a few times but she did GREAT overall! What a big girl. I am so proud you Avery Grace!!