Friday, September 23, 2011

Our little fat man!

Today Kellan had his 2 month doctors appointment and I find it so interesting that 2 kids can be so different from each other! Avery, our barely 24 pound 2 year old has a brother that is tipping the scale at 13 pounds .5 ounces this morning. Not only that but he is a tall one too at 24 1/4 inches and a head that is 39 3/4 inches. But he is a healthy, smiley boy!~

Kellan's stats are:

Weight: 13 pounds .5 ounces ~68th percentile
Heights: 24 1/4 inches ~93rd percentile
Head: 39 1/4 ~ 69th percentile

Avery's stats at 2months:

Weight: 9 pounds 5 ounces ~25th percentile
Height: 23 inches ~25th percentile