Monday, January 25, 2010

We have a talker!!

Avery has just started talking/babbling all day long and today I caught her on video. She is now repeating sounds such as ba ba ba ba and the other night at the dinner table she said ma ma. Now I know she has no idea what she is saying as she is just experimenting with sounds but Geoff and I couldn't believe how weird it was to hear that sound come from our sweet little baby girl.. She is getting so big so fast.

Her two teeth are all the way through the gums and she loves to put your finger in there and bite it. It now hurts with those choppers. She is sitting up but not quite all by herself. She can do it for about 20 seconds and then she tips over but it won't be long. She is one strong little girl. I say little but we just officially moved over to using most of her 3-6 month clothes. Finally!!! She loves to eat her toes now and takes off her socks all the time. She is becoming more independent as well and can keep herself busy on her playmat and in her entertainer without the help of mommy or daddy. But her favorite thing is still to have adult interaction. She will now cuddle up next to you and 'explore' your face. She will touch your nose and lips and examine them. She is very curious and finds it funny when you bite down on her finger and will laugh. Both mommy and daddy think that her sweet laugh is the best sound in the world!

She is still eating her solids pretty good but we have found that right now she is a picky eater. There is not much we have found that she loves in the veggie/fruit department. Right now the veggies are sweet potatoes/corn, and carrots... Fruits are bananas, peaches, and prunes(I was surprised with this one). We are all getting ready for our big closing on the house on Friday morning and our move. We are very excited and Avery can't wait to see her new room!!! More updates later!

Here I am talking to my toys:)