Thursday, January 27, 2011

Haha... figures I would do something like this:)

Yes, I am one of those people that cannot wait even till 20 weeks to have a peek inside the guessing game of will it be a girl or will it be a boy. At 15 weeks along I decided to take this Intelligender test that is suppose to be able to tell you if you are having a boy or girl(some say with 80% accuracy and others say only 50% accuracy). So I got suckered into it at Target last night(it was a weak moment and it was the only one left on the shelf which made it even more inviting:)) and took it this morning. After 5 minutes of wait time I came in to find this...Of course shocked and surprised and now even more curious for our ultrasound in 5 weeks.. Haha.. I think this has officially worked against me because I was certain it was another girl and now this silly test is making me second guess:) Could we be seeing more blue in the house?????