Friday, February 11, 2011

18 month check-up!

This morning Avery had her 18 month doctors appointment and it went great!
Can't believe she is a 1 1/2 years old already. She was such a big girl today that she didn't even cry when she had to get her shot. She walked right out of the office headed straight to the basket of suckers and smiled the whole way to the car!

Her latest stats are:

weight: 22.8 pounds~ 24th percentile
head:47 cm~64th percentile
height:33.5 inches~ 93rd percentile

Everything looks good and we don't have to go back until she is 2 years old... which seems so far off but I just remembered that at that point she will also have a brother or sister and I'll be a mommy of 2:)Yikes!