Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's a BOY!

We are excited to announce that Avery is going to have a little brother this July. YES, a mothers intuition must not mean much these days as I just swore that we were having another girl. We are excited to welcome some blue into the family and still in shocked.

The best news of the day came when the doctor said that everything looked perfect on the ultrasound. The baby is measuring 6 days ahead in measurements but that doesn't really mean anything and my due date stays the same, July 22nd.

Here are a few pictures we got but unfortutely we didn't get any showing that it is indeed a boy because the tech did not know we wanted to know the sex until we were done and I said.. "So is it a boy or girl?" But she went back in and most certaintly pointed out this baby has a hot dog!!!

We are blessed to have our beautiful girl and now we will have a boy. Daddy is super duper excited for his little man!! Sounds like the best of both worlds to me!