Thursday, February 3, 2011

Update on Baby Sherman!

This morning I had another doctors appointment and Avery and I were so glad to get out of the house for the first time since Monday. Avery actually enjoys going to my appointments because they have a big fish tank in the waiting room with 4 little fish. Just about the time we pull into the parking garage she starts saying "ish, ish, mama?" She remembers!!!

Today we heard the heartbeat and it was in the 150's and very strong.
My weight remains under control although I have no idea how this time around without working out and running I have been lazy. I swear next week is a new week and I WILL get back to the gym.

The most exciting news is that we have our next appointment on Tuesday February 22nd (exactly 5 months from my due date) and will have our 20 week ultrasound and find out if we will be having a boy or girl:) Already can't wait.. Only 19 more days to go!!