Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Our happy smiling baby!

Although the pictures are not the best quality(mommy can't figure out the camera and the window of opportunity to catch these pics are short) we caught some really cute smiles today.
We are so lucky as Avery has been a great baby her first 5 weeks of life. She is so content and happy most of the time!! Over the last couple of weeks she is growing big and mommy has noticed lots of changes. She is now noticing everything around her and loves to look around and explore. She still loves to look at the ceiling fans and pictures hanging on the wall. She enjoys being in her swing and is now noticing the mobile and mirror above it. It is so cute to see her stare at herself. She also loves to bring her hand up to her mouth and suck on it which is new in the last week or so. She is not yet noticing her hands but I think it is just a matter of time!

Avery is also starting to show mommy and daddy that she can sleep in longer stretches at night. Her usual schedules involves mommy getting up every 3 hours to feed her but in the last week she has went 6 hours one night and then 5 1/2 hours another night. We hope that in the weeks to come she will continue this trend!

I am soooo happy!
Ok mommy I'll show you one more time my smiles!

And the last one was almost a laugh she was so excited!! (and FYI, I didn't have gas either)