Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can you believe it???

I'm 3 months old today...and still as happy as can be!!! My new milestone that I have reached is LAUGHING. I just started this yesterday and mommy loves to tickle me over and over again to get me to giggle!! She said it is such a sweet sound to hear(I think she might still have some of those crazy pregnancy hormones left over). Today mommy was kissing my belly and I was laughing and laughing!!!!

I am still a pretty good sleeper at night but I am not quite sleeping through the night for mommy yet. I usually go down around 8:30 and then I will wake up at 4:00am and think I need some of that boobie milk so mommy gets up and then I go back to sleep until around 7:00am. Not too bad I think for a little thing like me but mommy says she still can't wait for me to pull another all-nighter here soon!!

My favorite thing right now is playing on my play-mat. I can lay there for 30 minutes at a time and entertain myself(well the toys actually entertain me) and I am grabbing and kicking at everything I see. I like sound and lights. I also like to try and roll over these days. I have not been successful quite yet but I am giving it a good try. I get a lot of speed going but just not there yet.

At nighttime though mommy uses a video monitor so she can see me but I have been playing tricks on her. I now move around in my crib and then she cannot see me anymore. Most mornings when mommy comes in she finds me completely turned around.

Well that is about it for today I am tired of typing so I am going to take a nap and dream about my next walk outside today in my stroller!