Saturday, July 11, 2009

A whole day of fun!

Today we had our all day childbirth class at the hospital. The class had 5 couples including us that all were due in August or September. We were the furthest ones along with only 4 weeks to go but out of the 5 couples there was 1 couple having a boy, 3 couples having girls and one that was waiting for the surprise. Seems like a ton of girls are being born lately!
Although it was a long class we learned lots of important things for the "big day". Now we know how to time contractions, mommy knows how to breath through contractions and we got to practice swaddling the baby and changing diapers. I can tell already daddy is going to be an expert at changing diapers. Our favorite part of the day was when we toured the Labor and Delivery floor and saw the rooms we will be staying in. So we now have a visual of what it will be like when we arrive. We will actually labor and deliver in the same room which was a big and inviting space! So we have our certificate in hand and we are officially ready for go whenever our sweet little monkey decides to arrive.
The hospital where Baby Sherman will be born. It is a really small hospital not like we are use to in Chicago. There are only 5 labor and delivery rooms but we love how convenient it is for us and how close it is to our house.
Daddy getting ready for the day.... As you can see he was thrilled to be up at 7:45 on a Saturday morning(and taking pictures) but he is fully prepared with our 2 pillows and blanket.

Mommy posing again(I am sure you have seen enough by now)......36 weeks and ready to go!

Practicing our relaxation techniques. Geoff was very embarrassed when I whipped out the camera for this picture but I had to document as it only happens once!

To top off the day we won the door prize!! We are now proud owners of a diaper wreath made just for little girls......