Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 14 months!

Today I turned 14 months.... Wow, mommy says that time is flying by and I have to agree.... I am having the time of my life these days and I'm so active!!! Today I was with daddy all day while mommy was in the city cheering on her friends running the Chicago Marathon. I had a great time with him... We went to Costco, Aldi and I helped him put away the umbrella outside on the porch.

These are a few things that I am doing now at 14 months...

I can sign these words: more, all done, please, thank-you, i love you, water, and milk.
(mommy pretty much teaches these things and I pick them up very quickly, daddy says I am a genius, mommy says I am smart... who knows??)

Some funny things I am doing are.... I run away from mommy when she tells me it is time for a diaper change or she gets out a diaper, when daddy or mommy ask me a question like "who is ready for dinner, or who is ready to go outside" I will raise my hand and get a big smile like I am saying "ME!!", I like to brush the doggies hair with mommy's hairbrush(don't tell her),I carry purses, bags, clothes, and shoes around the house and then put them in places where mommy and daddy can't find...I blow on my HOT food and I am very cute doing it, I sniff flowers and mommy's perfumes and I scrunch up my nose while doing it...

I can point to my belly button, nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hands, and toes.

I can make the sound of a doggie(woof) and cow(moo).

Well that is all I can think of right now.... Hope you enjoy a few of updates.

Happy 14 months to me.....:)