Thursday, March 12, 2009

It 's a girl!!

We had our BIG ultrasound today and we were so excited!!!! We arrived at 2:30 and I was a nervous wreck, pacing the doctors office with excitement. After all the medical checks we got to the end of our ultrasound and heard those sweet words. ITS A GIRL!!! Actually I think the ultrasound technician's first words were: "there is no outdoor plumbing!"

We feel so very blessed for sure as all looks well and she is measuring right on schedule, in fact, she is measuring 3 days early but they are going to keep my due date as August 10th!

The next question is "do we have a name picked out?" and the answer is YES we do but we are keeping that a secret until the day she decides to show her sweet little face! We have to have some element of surprise:)!